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Reading with Ramona

Growing Independence and Fluency

Eva Brandon
















Rationale: Growing Independence and Fluency is a very important stage for learners. This is because fluent reading is essential to comprehension. Reading fluency is the ability to recognize words quickly and accurately. At this stage the student is now transitioning away from decoding and working towards becoming an independent reader. This is when readers begin to be able to read quickly, smoothly, and accurately. At this stage the student will begin to enjoy reading, by improving their sight word vocabulary instead of becoming quickly frustrated when hitting those words.


Materials needed: 

-Ramona the Pest by: Beverly Clearly 

-coverup critters

-a powerpoint with pictures and sentences written out as examples as well as comprehension questions

-something to time the students

-charts to write the times down




1.First of all as the teacher I will explain to the students what it means to be a fluent reader. I will tell them that it is reading accurately, quickly, and with emphasis on the emotions in the text as needed. I will tell them that in order to learn to do this we will be needed to read the chosen book more than once in order to become familiar with it and that this is called repeating.


2.Next I will put on the powerpoint and model for the students. I will explain crosschecking and model how to apply it to an example sentence. I will tell them if they do not know a word in the sentence to continue the rest of the sentence and go back and see what makes sense there.


3. Next I will show and demonstrate the difference between a non fluent and a fluent reader by reading the example sentence and have it on the powerpoint behind me for the visual so the students can follow along with me. I will tell them how being a non fluent reader and having to sound each individual word out that by the time I got through the sentence I did not even remember or comprehend what I just read. 


4. Next were going to have book talk. I will instruct the class that we will be reading just the first chapter of the selected book. I will give them an overview of the book and ask simple questions about it in advance.


5. Then they will each pull out their books and a coverup critter. I will have the students read the first chapter on their own using their coverup critters, as they do this I will be walking through the room listening in to make sure each student is reading and reading correctly. After they are done with chapter 1 I will be asking open ended questions about it to the class to ensure their reading comprehension which is a very important part to this stage of growing independence and fluency.


6. Next the students will each pair up with a partner and read chapter 1 to their partner as their partner times them and then they will write their time down on their times chart. After the first student has gone they will switch and do the opposite for their partner so that they can each have a turn and then write their times down on their own charts. I will first chose a student to model for the class. 


7. For the assessment I will have each student individually read the chapter to me, as well as a worksheet with comprehension questions. 


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